tysukis:A:TLA characters + first and final episodes ↳ Image descriptions in the alt text.

Thursday, December 10th, 2020


Two overlapping gifs. On the left, a side profile of Katara in colour walking forwards to the right. She is smiling. On the right, Katara in classic SWT winter clothing speaking to someone, annoyed.
On the left, an in colour close up of Sokka, smiling and raising his eyebrows. On the right, Sokka in black and white in his winter coat, on an ice cap in the ocean, speaking to someone, annoyed.
On the left, Aang in colour wearing formal robes, eyebrows raised looking hopeful. On the right Aang in black and white, lying against something on the floor, mumbling with an exhausted expression.
On the left, Zuko, in colour, in Fire Lord robes with his hair tied up, smiling and talking as he glances away. On the right, Zuko in black and white staring into the distance with his brows furrowed
On the left, Iroh in colour wearing earth kingdom robes. He is playing the Tsungi horn with his eyes closed, content. On the right, Iroh in black and white speaking and looking frustrated.
On the right, Suki in colour atop a Fire Nation airship getting closer, smiling wide. On the right, in black and white, Suki in her Kyoshi Warrior uniform speaking, looking skeptical and disinterested
On the left, in colour, Azula after the final Agni Kai, dripping wet and panting, outraged. On the right, Azula in black and white talking over her shoulder to someone stood behind her, annoyed.
On the left, Mai in colour leaning away from someone to speak, she is smiling and blushing. On the right in black and white, Mai speaking with a fierce expression, narrowing her eyes and glaring.
On the left, in colour, Ty Lee in a Kyoshi Warror uniform, grinning and hugging two similarly dressed women. On the right, black and white, Ty Lee upside down in a handstand speaking excitedly.
On the left, in colour, Toph pushing her hands together, with a mischevious expression. On the right, Toph in black and white, dressed up to look regal, pushing her hand into someones face, irritated.

A:TLA characters + first and final episodes

↳ Image descriptions in the alt text.

Reposted from https://lies.tumblr.com/post/637169340941303808.