Dionne on Bush’s Lies

Here’s a nice little commentary comparing Bush with Clinton/Gore on the subject of lying: Bush will say anything — no lie. It’s from E.J. Dionne, Jr., as printed in SFGate.com and pointed to by The Smirking Chimp.

One Response to “Dionne on Bush’s Lies”

  1. Karen Woods Says:

    It’s very obvious that George W. is getting kickbacks in some way from Monsanto for pushing genetically engineered foods down the throats of non-suspecting Americans. Europe won’t deal with his threats anymore and they told him simple – label the genetically engineered foods, or we won’t take them. We as Americans are not given that choice – we are not told what is in our foods today!!

    Bush knows that no scientific evidence has been proven that ge foods are not harmful, yet he gives us no choice today as to what we eat. I thought America was based on freedom of choice – but not since Bush has been in office. I think Americans are about sick of it, and he will see how much genetically engineered foods are bought when foods are required to be labeled. I know I will NOT buy anything that admits to having genetically engineered (Frankenfoods) in them!

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