Army WMD Team Stands Down

Since the pro-Bush folks seem to still be in denial about this, I guess I’ll have to keep flogging the WMD story a little longer. Here’s the latest development, as reported in The Independent: US weapons team ends its search with no discovery.

Just to recap, briefly: We invaded another country and overthrew its government, killing thousands of innocent people in the process. We justified this as an act of self-defense, given that the country had (we claimed) lots of banned weapons that it supposedly was likely to hand over to terrorists. No such weapons have been found.

So Bush lied about that, right? And you people who continue to support him as president deal with that issue how, exactly? I’m not trying to bait you; I just really want to know what you think about all this.

3 Responses to “Army WMD Team Stands Down”

  1. Adam Says:

    For me, this is in turns infuriating, scary and sad. And where is the equivalent story in the U.S. media? This was a war of intimidation, a war of choice, and a war of lies. We’ve got to do everything we can to hold their feet to the fire over it. This matters.

    My compliments again to John and for saying what needs to be said.

  2. a_stupid_box Says:

    I hate to say, “I told you so” but I was against this war for this very reason from the start. We can’t be responsible for implementing a world view where the ends justify the means when it comes to anything, ESPECIALLY war.

    I said from the beginning that they wouldn’t find the weapons. I remember years ago on Dennis Miller Live they had a WMD specialist that worked for the U.S. (whose name I can’t recall) say that Iraq did NOT have these things.

    I’m less pissed off about this whole fiasco than I am frustrated by people who STILL support the president and/or the war. Bush has now been PROVEN a liar. There are thousands of people dead as a result. Some people just refuse to face reality, either that or just don’t give a damn.

    It’s times like these where I’m ashamed to be American, and indeed, even a member of the human race.

  3. John Callender Says:

    Interestingly, one of the people supporting the president on Iraq is none other than… Dennis Miller!

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